Standings After Weekend # 3


New member
Sep 21, 2003
 Player      	~P1~	~P2~	~P3~	~P4~	~P5~	~P6~	~P7~	~P8~	wk 3	plays	Bfr w3	Aft W3
terpkeg     	100 	100 	100 	100 	100	-107 	100 		493 	18	893 	1386 
camy       	0	-107	100	-107	100	-107	100	100	79 	22	986 	1065 
G. MONEY     	-107	-107	100	100	-107	100	100	100	179 	20	686 	865 
trytrytry     	100	100 	-107	100 	100 	100			393 	18	472 	865 
buzzerbeater9	100	0	100	100	100	100	100	100	700 	16	-128 	572 
Poker King	100	-107	100	100	100	-107	100	0	286 	24	258 	544 
evsports	100	100	100	100	-107	-107	100	-107	179 	24	358 	537 
Brock       	100 	0 	100	-107	100	100	100	100	493 	8	0 	493 
OAKAS       	-107	-107	100	100					-14 	17	472 	458 
sean1       	100 	-107 	-107	0	100	-107	100	100	79 	24	358 	437 
Kodiak7    									0 	8	386 	386 
Illini      	-107	-107	100	100	100	-107	-107	100	-28 	4	400 	372 
manly       	100 	100 	100 	100 	-107 	100 	100 	100 	593 	16	-235 	358 
goodcall   	100 	100 	-107 	100 	-107 	100 	100 	-107 	179 	22	158 	337 
Newman-     	-107	-107	0	0	100	100	100	-107	-21 	24	358 	337 
Paterno    	100	-107	0	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	-335 	24	672 	337 
patlives	100	-107	100	0	100	0	100	100	393 	24	-56 	337 
royboy_3831	-107	100	-107	100	0	100	100	-107	79 	23	258 	337 
Aristotle    	-107	-107	-107	100	0	100	100	100	79 	16	179 	258 
viking611     	-107 	-107 	-107	0 	100	-107 	100 	100 	-128 	16	386 	258 
ChiTown Hustler	-107	100	100	-107	100	100	100		286 	19	-42 	244 
pefbear     	-107	0	100	100	-107	-107	-107	100	-128 	20	372 	244 
EveryGamblers									0 	8	179	179
Matt      									0 	8	179	179
Mikeyboi49									0 	8	179 	179 
omahamoney									0 	8	179 	179 
Bluemyboy	-107 	0 	100 	100 	100 	-107 	100 	100 	286 	15	-128 	158 
RED EYE       	100	-107	100	-107	100	-107	-107		-128 	14	286 	158 
stlrocker	100 	100 	100 	100 	-107 	100 	100 	100 	593 	16	-442 	151 
bobomax     	-107	100	100	100	100	100	-107	100	386 	24	-263 	123 
CaPPiNg TiG	100	100	100	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	-28 	24	151 	123 
cosmokram3r									0 	8	79 	79 
redney     	-107 	0	-107	-107	100	100	100	100	79 	8	0 	79
jaffers     	100	100	-107	100					193 	9	-128 	65 
MasterL     	100 	100 	-107	0	-107	100	-107		-21 	12	86 	65 
ensign_lee   	-107	-107	-107	100	100	100	100		79 	12	-21 	58 
Book It     	100	100	100	-107	100	-107	-107	100	179 	15	-128 	51 
Duke 1       	100	0	-107	100	0	-107	-107	-107	-228 	19	279 	51 
gijoe         	100	-107	100	-107	100	100	-107	100	179 	15	-128 	51 
kidslick   	-107 	-107 	100 	-107 	-107 	100 	-107 		-335 	19	372 	37 
Aceking   									0 	0	0 	0 
bdgear      									0 	0	0 	0 
billhill999									0 	0	0 	0 
Blue rhino									0 	0	0 	0 
Books Worst									0 	0	0 	0 
chuck franklin									0 	0	0 	0 
Dark Star      									0 	0	0 	0 
earl     									0 	0	0 	0 
freebie     									0 	0	0 	0 
gmoney641									0 	0	0 	0 
IndianaMike									0 	0	0 	0 
jasin4000     									0 	0	0 	0 
juice         									0 	0	0 	0 
levistep     									0 	0	0 	0 
MrsCheater									0 	0	0 	0 
Pokerking  									0 	0	0 	0 
ppeter     									0 	0	0 	0 
ramdaddy     									0 	0	0 	0 
roach23    									0 	0	0 	0 
szlem       									0 	0	0 	0 
the tout									0 	0	0 	0 
thewiscokid									0 	0	0 	0 
Tidepride     									0 	0	0 	0 
vinividivinci									0 	0	0 	0 
Romanowski									0 	2	-7 	-7 
Black Bart									0 	4	-14 	-14 
Gamehendge	-107 	100	-107	100					-14 	4	0 	-14
jim333      									0 	8	-28 	-28 
sherwood    									0 	8	-28 	-28 
Pigpen    	-107	-107	-107	100					-221 	10	186 	-35 
Wrigley     	100	100	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	100	-28 	10	-7 	-35 
Kermit16	0 	-107 	100	100	100	100	100	-107	286 	15	-335	-49
Birdman      	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	100	100	-107	-235 	16	179 	-56 
clarkd32	100	100	-107	100	100	100	-107	-107	179 	16	-235 	-56 
Don Dollars	-107	100	100	-107	-107	100	-107	100	-28 	16	-28 	-56 
dsethi     	100	100	-107	100	100	-107	100	100	386 	16	-442 	-56 
Megacapper	-107 	-107 	100 	100 	-107 	100 	-107 	-107 	-235 	16	179 	-56 
Miklos     	-107 	100 	100	-107	-107	100	100	-107	-28 	16	-28	-56
sakras       	100	100	100	-107	100	100	100		493 	18	-556 	-63 
BetIt         	100	100	-107	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	-235 	24	151 	-84 
dankhank	100	-107	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	100	-235 	24	151 	-84 
TKE683    	-107 	-107 	100	-107	100	0	100	-107	-128 	12	-14	-142
kbhirsch      	0 	-107 	-107 	-107 	100 	-107 	-107 	100 	-335 	16	179 	-156 
TheQueen									0 	15	-156 	-156 
UWBadgers									0 	8	-156 	-156 
Da Judge     	-107	0	0	-107	100	100	-107	100	-21 	24	-156 	-177 
Maxx40     	-107	-107	-107	100	100	-107	-107	0	-335 	22	158 	-177 
Tom's News	0	-107	-107	100	100	100	-107	-107	-128 	22	-49 	-177 
jillmark       	-107 	-107 	100 	100 	100 	100 	100 	-107 	179 	24	-363 	-184 
gynecologist									0 	7	-228 	-228 
Fishhead   	-107	-107	-107	100	100	-107	-107	100	-235 	8	0 	-235 
joeyfitzclick	100 	-107 	100 	-107 	-107 	100 	-107	-107	-235 	14	-21 	-256 
Stickie     									0 	15	-256 	-256 
jose       	100 	100 	100 	-107 	100 	-107 	100	-107	179 	14	-442 	-263 
owlthe3rd	-107	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	100	100	-235 	16	-28 	-263 
soli       	-107	-107 	100 	-107	-107 	-107	100	100	-235 	18	-35 	-270 
cam           	100	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	100	100	-28 	22	-256 	-284 
Dawg2       	100	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	-649 	22	365 	-284 
desertdog	-107	100	-107	100	100	-107	-107	-107	-235 	24	-56 	-291 
bill2266     									0 	9	-342 	-342 
5teamparlay	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	-107	100	100	-235 	13	-121 	-356 
kahlmyishmael									0 	16	-363 	-363 
anjac     	-107	-107	100	-107	-107	0	100	-107	-335 	20	-42 	-377 
Livinthedream	-107	100	-107	100	-107	-107	0		-228 	20	-149 	-377 
Puckhandler	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	100	-442 	19	65 	-377 
Racer X     	100	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	-107		-335 	19	-42 	-377 
DaOnEaNdOnLy	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	0	100	-107	-335 	23	-49 	-384 
SkinsRaj28	-107 	-107 	-107	-107	100	100	100	-107	-235 	22	-149 	-384 
wildemu    	-107 	-107	100	-107	-107	-107			-435 	6	0 	-435
bigtex      									0 	8	-442 	-442 
AngleBroom	100	-107	100	-107	-107				-121 	10	-328 	-449 
Polaris     	-107	-107	100	-107	100	-107			-228 	12	-228 	-456 
mizagot     	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	-107	100		-335 	19	-128 	-463 
426sports	100	100	-107	-107	-107	100	100	-107	-28 	16	-442 	-470 
MikeOswald	-107 	-107 	100 	-107 	100 	-107 			-228 	19	-249 	-477 
droc        	100	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	-442 	24	-56 	-498 
koidog     	-107 	0 	100 	-107 	-107 	-107 	-107 	100 	-335 	16	-235 	-570 
Bensonville	100	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	0	-542 	18	-35 	-577 
lucifer      	100	100	100	-107	-107	-107	-107		-128 	21	-456 	-584 
THE POSTMAN!	-107 	-107	-107 	0	-107	-107 	100 	100 	-335 	24	-263 	-598 
btwizzy     	-107	-107	100	-107	100				-121 	12	-542 	-663 
gold64     	-107 	-107	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	100	-442 	16	-235 	-677 
blue edwards	-107	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	-107	-107	-649 	24	-56 	-705 
wannabe whale	-107	100	-107	100	100	-107	-107	100	-28 	24	-677 	-705 
Patrick McIrish	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	-649 	19	-142 	-791 
magking1	0 	-107 	-107 	-107 	-107 	-107 	-107 	100 	-542 	23	-363 	-905 
Santo      	-107	0	0	-107	-107	-107	100	100	-228 	24	-677 	-905 
yellowdragon	100	-107	100	-107	100	-107	-107	100	-28 	24	-877 	-905 
HPark1       	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	-107	100	-107	-649 	24	-263 	-912 
JRock7997	100 	-107 	-107 	-107 	-107 	100 	100 	100	-28 	16	-884 	-912 
stump       	-107 	-107 	100	-107 	-107 	-107 	-107 	100 	-442 	19	-556 	-998

New member
Sep 21, 2003
please Let Me Know Of Any Errors Asap, When Reporting Errors Please Copy And Paste Your Original Post And Let Me Know What The Post Number Was

New member
May 7, 2006
It is a small sample, but when I see lists like this, I lose any fear I may have that books may be going under.

Sep 21, 2004
For me, it says I have only made 4 plays. But I have actually made 12 plays after week 3. Easy to tell, since I had 8 in week three, and they are listed as 4 wins and 4 losses in this thread.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
Illini said:
For me, it says I have only made 4 plays. But I have actually made 12 plays after week 3. Easy to tell, since I had 8 in week three, and they are listed as 4 wins and 4 losses in this thread.

Please let me know what your post number was and copy and paste your post in this thread.....

New member
Sep 21, 2003
kidslick said:

my game you marked was a winner


please be more specific, im not sure what you are saying here.....

this was week 3 standings remember, not week 4.

Please copy and paste your post in this thread and let me know what the post number was.


New member
Sep 21, 2003
SportSavant said:
Please let me know what your post number was and copy and paste your post in this thread.....

sorry illini, I have fixed it now, was a very easy correction....

I sent you an email

ignore it

New member
Oct 20, 2002
SportSavant said:
please be more specific, im not sure what you are saying here.....

this was week 3 standings remember, not week 4.

Please copy and paste your post in this thread and let me know what the post number was.


week 3 minn won 62-0 against temple

my first pick

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